Application for Extension of Validity of Passport

Hubby and I will fly to Singapore next month but our Philippine passports are due for renewal on May. We have no idea that we cannot travel outside the country if our passports’ validity was less than 6 months. I just learned it from the pexers of Pinoy Exchange and it was confirmed by the staff of Air Philippines Express. OMG! @_@

Application for Renewal of Passports at DFA is now being done online. When I tried to schedule my hubby for an appointment, there were no more slots available for the month of January! 😦 There were available slots for February but still, we cannot! Why? The dates available were after our 5 day trip to Singapore! But I was still lucky enough to get some information at Trusty Travel & Tours. I was advised by one of the staff, whom I considered as an “angel”, to go directly to the DFA and make a request for extension of validity of passport. And that’s we did! 🙂

Without the help of that travel agency, I wouldn’t know that there is such application like that. For the benefit of many Filipinos out there, I made a research and found out that there are many types of passport application together with the necessary requirements to submit. You can find it here. B-)

UPDATE: For the benefit of many, please read this DFA NEWS UPDATE regarding passport application.

Step by Step Procedure of What We Did For Application of Passport Validity Extension

STEP ONE: Prepared all the necessary documents: marriage certificate, passports & airline e-tickets. In case you have other reasons for extension, you can prepare a letter of request. For OFWs: passport, working visa & job order.

STEP TWO: Went to DFA ASEANA Office at around 7 o’clock in the morning to avoid long queue. From MRT Taft Station, we took a bus with “DFA Baclaran” signage. Buses going to Baclaran with DFA signage take the Macapagal Boulevard.

STEP THREE: Entered Gate 1 (Gate 2 is for people with scheduled appointments and Gate 3 is for DFA’s personnel), showed the guard our passports with the travel tickets, informed him of our purpose: EXTENSION; and asked the directions to the Director’s Office.

STEP FOUR: Went to the Director’s Office, fronting Gate 3. Entered the enclosed glass area with “Passport Division” written on it.

STEP FIVE: Filled-out the small form given by the guard and gave it to the other guard inside the office. Took the passport application  form to be filled-out again and waited to be called for an interview. It took us 2 hours of waiting. And there were 30 persons waiting on their seats when we arrived.

STEP SIX: Our names were finally called at exactly ten o’clock. Interviewed by the personnel on desk 17 and stated our reasons. Submitted our tickets, passports and application forms for approval. I also took the opportunity to apply for amendment so that I’ll be able to use my married name instead of my maiden name. We were told to go back to our seats and waited to be called again. Make sure to have the first & last page of your passport photocopied and submit it together with the other documents. You can have your documents photocopied in a booth at Gate 1.

STEP SEVEN: After almost 30 minutes of waiting, we went to the second floor at the Passport Enrollment  Center to pay the fees. P200 for extension and P100 for amendment (to use my married name). We paid a total of P500.

STEP EIGHT: Returned to the Director’s Office and submitted the receipts. We were given a copy of the receipt with the date of release. Our passports with approved validity extension will be available for pick-up after three working days! Yey! 😉 We’re finally done at eleven in the morning!

Passport stamped with 2 year EXTENSION

How to get there: Take a bus with “Baclaran” signage. Inform the “konduktor’ to drop you at DFA ASEANA. It’s right across Mcdonalds, which is on your right side. As you get off the bus, cross the street and IGNORE those people who would call your attentions by asking asking if you’re applying for a passport. They are not related to DFA, that’s why don’t try to transact business with them.

TIP: In front of Mcdonalds, you can take buses going to Cubao or Fairview to reach Baclaran or MRT & LRT stations in going back home.


1. Only those Filipinos holding a passport with less than 6 months validity can apply for the EXTENSION.

2. All Filipino citizens applying for passports will NO longer need to submit photographs, as their pictures, their fingerprints, and their signatures, will be taken on-site. This also means that all passport applicants, regardless of age, are henceforth required to appear personally.

NOTE: If you have other questions regarding passport application which are not discussed in this post, kindly call the DFA Hotline or the Philippine Embassy of the country you are currently in. I cannot answer questions of OFWs wishing to renew their passports or extending their passports validity. What I only shared in this post were the things that my hubby and I experienced in getting an extension prior to our 5 day vacation in Singapore and Malaysia.

232 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. jeffrey
    Jan 20, 2011 @ 01:25:33

    hey, thanks a lot for this info. i have the same problem since i’m going to malaysia for work next month but my passport’s due next year and the agency required me to have a passport at least with 2 years validity. this would really help me since a lot of people are telling me that it would take ‘forever’ for a passport to be renewed. now i have another option thanks to you.=)


    • babylhot27
      Jan 20, 2011 @ 02:22:39

      You’re welcome Jeffrey! 😉 we got our passports yesterday with 2 years validity extension! Remember that you don’t need to set an appointment, use gate I and bring your original & photocopied documents (passport, job order, working visa, tickets). If you would go there early, you’ll be done in less than three hours! ;)) Good luck!


  2. Maro
    Mar 08, 2011 @ 09:20:39

    YOUR HEAVEN SENT! =) This is the answer I’ve been looking for. =) Thanks a lot.


  3. NIEVA
    Mar 20, 2011 @ 02:12:24

    Are passport, working visa & job order a must when requesting extension for validity? Or can I just have two among them (of course with passport)., let’s say passport & working visa only or passport & job order only?


    • G-nang
      Mar 20, 2011 @ 07:40:05

      Hi Nieva! If you’re an OFW, you really have to bring your working visa & job order (photocopy & original) together with your passport. You working visa needs to be supported by a job order from your employer. They won’t approve your request if you would not bring the needed documents.


  4. annalou
    Mar 25, 2011 @ 18:10:20

    hi, thanks for this information, I just want to inquire also if you have an idea regarding my case, I am about to do an appeal as early as possible by my employer in Singapore and I can not do my appeal if I have less than 6 months validity, do you think this is also possible for my request to be grant even if I am not a OFW?…tnx


    • G-nang
      Mar 26, 2011 @ 10:30:23

      Hi Annalou. Are you going to work in Singapore? What about the appeal? What is it for? I guess your passport’s validity will be soon expiring right? You can make a request for extension only if you have a valid reason supported with the right papers.


      • annalou
        Mar 26, 2011 @ 19:49:04

        yes I am about to work to Singapore, how ever my employer require me to renew or extend my passport validity before we proceed to the appeal otherwise this will be rejected again. do you think DFA can entertain such like this case?….

      • G-nang
        Mar 28, 2011 @ 06:51:51

        If your employer already provided you a working permit, you can request for an extension at the DFA. If not, it would be better if you set an appointment for passport renewal now to get a slot for April or May. You have to print the pdf file copy that you’ll receive in your email and bring it as you go to DFA ASEANA. Prepare all the required documents that you have to bring like passport (original & photocopied) and valid IDs. You can get your renewed passport in 10 days for rush processing (P1200). Hope this helps!

      • annalou
        Mar 28, 2011 @ 09:13:01

        hi, yes i have an employer but she can not provided the work permit because that is what I am trying to solve to get a work pass, I have an schedule by June 1, and I find this quit long time to wait, I will be back to Philippines today and looking forward to solve my prob as fast as i can to get my passport renew, do you have an idea for the fastest way?

      • G-nang
        Mar 29, 2011 @ 06:01:41

        Try to ask your employer if he/she can provide you a job order and working visa for your immediate passport renewal application. Another option: If your parents are working for the government, you can apply for passport renewal at DFA Courtesy Lane. No appointment needed. However, if this still fails the best thing to do is to wait for your scheduled appointment.

      • annalou
        Mar 29, 2011 @ 09:33:50

        alright thanks for the help and immediate response.. Have a great day!

  5. ella
    Mar 26, 2011 @ 09:24:43

    hello! thanks Ive learned a lot! we are planning to go to HK next month and we hav d same situATION..,..HMM MAY I ASK …since you got a passport w/ extension only does the immigration asked you many questions?like? y extended? reasons of going there? etcetc…does it make ur trip complicated? or it doesnt matter ? thanks!!! 🙂 hope to hear from you can email me or just reply here!


    • G-nang
      Mar 26, 2011 @ 11:10:55

      Hi Ella! HK next month?! Wow! 😉

      When we left for Singapore, we did not encounter any problems with the immigration officers here in the Philippines as well as Singapore and Malaysia. We were asked a few questions like “Why will you go there?” “Can I have your ticket?” “Where will you stay?”. (I think it’s normal for them to ask those questions because they are tasked to screen people.) But they did not ever question us about the extension. 😉

      Some had bad experiences with some IOs but I am pretty sure you won’t encounter the same officers or have the same experience if you have a clean conscience for traveling. Though there are immigration officers who are sometimes rude (due to mood swing?) we can’t generalize that all of them are like that. 🙂 Just keep in mind these things: greet them with a smile, answer their questions honestly and be polite. Don’t forget to prepare all the necessary papers (RT tickets, hotel booking) for your travel. Hope this helps! 😉


  6. Qhelai
    Apr 05, 2011 @ 06:53:37


    I have the same concerns as above. I will be transferred to our office in Greece for permanent employment there. I was asked to secure the requirements for working visa application in Greece such as the passport that needs to have a validity of at least 3 years. However, my passport is only valid until June 2013 so that’s 2 years only.

    I don’t know if the DFA will accept a letter from our Philippine office and an email from our Director asking me to secure the list of requirements. I don’t have yet any documents (job order, working permit) with me to request for extension of validity. Will this be ok for DFA? Kindly advise.

    Thanks thanks thanks… 🙂


    • G-nang
      Apr 06, 2011 @ 12:23:32

      I think the letter of request from your office will do since they are the ones requesting for it. As long as the reason is valid, they might approve your request for extension since it is needed for your work. Bring the necessary papers that will support your request for extension. Use Gate 1 and tell the guard you’ll be going to the Director’s Office. Good luck and hope to hear from you again regarding your application. 😉


  7. johngacs
    Apr 11, 2011 @ 11:52:33

    Maam good day I was given a 2 years extension on my Philippine passport which is suppose to expire this 06 June 2011. I made a request for passport extension because my son and I are taking a vacation to the U.S. next month. My question is would this extension acceptable at the U.S. Immigration upon arrival at the U.S.A.? Hoping to hear from you soon. thank you


    • G-nang
      Apr 11, 2011 @ 12:41:35

      Sir, as far as I know the extension being given by the DFA would not cause any problem in going to other countries. We had been to Singapore and Malaysia, crossed the borders and presented our green passports (with validity extension of 2 years) six times to the immigration but not a single IO neither questioned nor stopped us from crossing the borders. As long as you have your US tourist visa and passport, you would be able to have your vacation in the US. Hope this helps you sir. 😉


  8. mardy
    Apr 27, 2011 @ 05:57:26

    Hi! Thanks for this really helpful information. Anyway, how many days did it take for you to have your passport after your application to extend the validity of your passport?

    Thank you! 🙂


  9. Sassy
    May 01, 2011 @ 03:53:55

    Hi! This has been a very informative post. My family and I are travelling to Korea next month. My brother’s passport just expired April 2011 and his renewal appointment with DFA is still mid-May. He won’t be able to get his new passport come our travel on June 3. So we decided to look at getting an extension. But I’m not sure if an expired passport (instead of just being less than 6 months valid) can still be given an extension. Would you know if this is still possible? We have all our tickets and tour reservations ready for our trip next month so its sad if my brother gets left behind. Anyway, he has an appointment already for renewal but the available sked if just too late for our family trip.
    Thanks again and hope to hear from you soon.


    • G-nang
      May 02, 2011 @ 02:55:28

      Hi Sassy. If your tour to Korea is on next month and your brother’s appointment for passport renewal is on this month, he still has the time to renew it. Rush passports can be released in 10 days. Extension is only given to those people whose passports have less than 6 month validity. In your brother’s case, he really needs to apply for renewal and not for an extension. 🙂


  10. Mat
    May 02, 2011 @ 05:53:12

    Hi G-nang! Thank you for sharing your story with us. It has been very helpful. I’m going to Singapore this May for an interview with a potential employer. I’m worried that if I do get the job, complications may arise since my passport is due to expire on December which means my “6 months” starts this June. My question is, do you think I should use the job interview as a reason for me to get an extension in my passport? I’ve been calling DFA’s hotline to inquire about my situation but it’s so hard to get through. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


    • G-nang
      May 03, 2011 @ 09:42:40

      Hi Mat. You don’t have to use the “job interview” as your reason for getting an extension since your passport is still valid for travel therefore your request for extension might not been granted . As far as I know, they only grant the extension to those applicants whose passports have less than 6 months validity but have the urgency to travel outside the country. If you would get the job, you can still renew your passport at the DFA based in Singapore. 😉 Hope this helps! I wish you all the best for your interview!


  11. beth
    May 03, 2011 @ 00:08:08

    Hi. I did not know the 6-month validity rule of the passports and my friends and I have scheduled a trip to phuket on May 27. After having read your blog, I went to DFA yesterday. A small pink paper with number was stapled to a form. However, I had to beg for it from the guy who was stationed outside the door and interviewed me why I was asking for extension. He told me there is a great chance of being denied because my reason for extension was for tour only. That got me scared. But I am going back to DFA today to take my chance. Do you have tips on how to deal with the person assigned to interview me when I get inside Passport Division?


    • G-nang
      May 03, 2011 @ 10:05:28

      Hi Beth! We went to Singapore on February for a 5 day tour. If we were not able to get the extension, we won’t be able to go there and have fun. 😉 Since you went to DFA today, I don’t know if you would still be needing this. We did not encounter any problem when we went there.

      If the guard stationed outside the office will ask you the reason for applying for an extension, just show your ticket to Phuket as well as your passport. He would then instruct you to fill-out the application form and would tell you to give it to another guard stationed inside the office. Just wait for your name to be called. I am wondering why you had to beg for that form… it is being given to applicants applying for an extension. Anyway, if your name has been called, you have to follow the guard who would direct you to the person who would interview you. If you were asked for your reasons, explain to them that you are not aware of the 6-month validity but you will be having your trip to Phuket this month that’s why you are requesting for an extension. Present your ticket as well as your passport which will be reviewed by the staff.


  12. Maria Zelda I. Nicanor
    May 04, 2011 @ 07:39:40

    Thank you so much for the information. My family and attended the required PDOS yesterday and it was only then that we knew about the passport requirement. We are emigrating to Canada and our visa validity will expire by June 28 while me and my husband’s passports will expire by November 17, 2011. If we leave on or before May 17, (which will meet the 6 months requirement) it will be a big pressure on our part since we have to settle a lot of things first before we leave the country. We are still putting up our finances to meet the settlement fund being asked from us.(we are classified as federal skilled workers). We are planning to leave by June 15.,
    Is it possible for us to apply for an extension of passport validity with only the visa issued to us by the Canadian government as a supporting document. Is your airline ticket a necessity before we can be issued this extension of validity?
    I will be waiting for your response.
    Maria Zelda I. Nicanor


    • G-nang
      May 05, 2011 @ 03:35:48

      Hi Ma’am Nicanor! Aside from your visa, you need to show other supporting documents that would prove the urgency of your travel. Your plane ticket to Canada together with your working visa should be presented. If you were already given a work permit, you need to present this one too.


  13. jonas
    May 07, 2011 @ 09:32:18

    salamat sa info. very usefull!


  14. fina
    May 10, 2011 @ 15:15:28

    hello po. thank you po sa info. very helpful.:) kababalik lng po namin khpon from singapore.then babalik po sana kami next week may 17. kung pupunta po kami sa monday para magaaply sa tingin niyo po ba maaprove po yun agad for me to travel the following day. Minor po ako but lalakarin po yung dswd ko na kasama ko po yung tita ko papunta dun. maaprove po ba yun? kung hindi po kasi sayang ung ticket di po ba. so ano po ba masusugest nyo po sa akin?:) thank you very much po. and valid po ba yung reason na gusto po kasi ng kapatid ko bumalik dun habang wala pang pasok eh nandun po kasi ung mami namin. Yung kapatid ko po umiiyak kasi gustong bumalik dun. okay lang po ba yun? thank you po. 🙂


    • G-nang
      May 11, 2011 @ 08:23:41

      Hi Ms. Fina. Hanggang kelan valid ang passport mo? Kasi extension is only given to those people with passport that has less than 6 months validity but need to travel immediately. By handing them your plane tickets, (to show that your travel is urgent) they would extend the validity of your passport for two years. I presume valid pa ang passport mo kasi you were able to travel to Singapore then travel back here in the Philippines.


  15. arpee
    May 11, 2011 @ 12:17:57

    this is indeed a very helpful post. i’ve been learning a lot. my passport is expiring this august 11, and i have to go to the US sa last week ng June. the problem is, when you buy a ticket to the US, they’s ask for your passport/visa and pag nakita nilang mag-e-expire na yung passport mo within 6 months, they would not book you or sell you tickets. kung pupunta ako sa DFA to apply for an extension, what proof do i have to show na urgent yung travel ko. i cant show a ticket dahil hindi nga ako bebentahan ng travel agency since mag-e-expire na yung passport ko this august.
    thanks again. =)


    • G-nang
      May 12, 2011 @ 09:58:51

      Hi Arpee. If you would buy your ticket in one of our airline companies here in the Philippines, would they ask for your passport too? If not, I suggest na dun ka na lang magpa-book ng flight kesa sa travel agency kasi hindi ka mabibigyan ng extension kung wala kang maipapakitang ticket. Yun kasi ang pinaka-proof mo na talagang aalis ka nga. Now, if ganun din ang procedure ng airline companies (hihingin ang passport mo), it would be better na magpa-sched ka na lang ng renewal then i-apply mong rush para makuha mo agad in 10 days before your flight.


      • Dior
        May 26, 2011 @ 20:17:58

        Hi. thanks for the info, I wasn’t inform na may ganun pala, btw, i still have my passport valid until 2014 and kelangan ko mag name change using my married name, kelangan ko sya para naman ma i renew ko ang US visa ko, kase lahat ng supporting documents ko married name ko na, para lang mag match. Sa anong type of application kaya itong application ko renewal or new? Pwede ba ba na sabay na rin anak ko pag kuha ng passport, she is 17 months. Hoping for your immediate reply. Thanks in advance.

      • G-nang
        May 27, 2011 @ 00:46:15

        You can apply for “amendment” at the DFA office, same processing sa pag-renew ng passport. Renewal yung i-clik nyo kapag nag-set kayo ng application online or sa form. For requirements, click here. Pwede mo na ring isama yung daughter mo since ikukuha mo na rin siya ng passport. You need not to worry na baka mahirapan ka with your child kasi for sure you’ll be prompted to go sa DFA Courtesy Lane para dun i-process yung application ninyo. 🙂

    • Kristin
      Oct 29, 2011 @ 10:29:30

      we have the same problem arpee… i should be getting a round trip ticket for singapore but i was denied by a travel agency because my passport is only 4 months valid… i was shocked by that info…


  16. arpee
    May 14, 2011 @ 04:16:39

    thanks for the prompt response. most, if not all travel agencies here in the Philippines require your valid passport & visa before they book and sell you ticket for a US trip.
    last may 9, i tried to apply for renewal and the earliest appointment date is june 3. two days after, may 11, the earliest appontment date is july 11. i’m sure kapag nag-try ako for appointment ngayon, the earliest would be august na. imagine taking up 2-3 months para lang magpa-renew ng passport. yun ba yung “easier and more convenient” na sinabi ng DFA dati nung i-introduce nila yung e-passport? i bet not.
    i called up DFA here in manila and ask if i could apply for an extension. i mentioned details of my flight and my reason for such urgency. the guy told me that they only prioritize 1.) cases wherein a person’s death is involved 2.) medical cases and situations 3.) OFW’s who need to fly immediately. i said, “sa case ko po, anong pwede nyong i-suggest”. he answered me, “basta wag kang aalis dun sa DFA hanggat hindi ka binibigyan ng extension. kung pwede magmakaawa ka.”
    talaga? magmamakaawa ako samantalang the reason why nagkaroon ng extension program in the first place eh dahil may problem at faulty ang bagong appointment system ng DFA; at hindi nila kayang i-handle yung dami ng umaalis dahil dito. bakit nila kailangang mag-higpit diba? even the Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs Jaime Victor Ledda said, “We would like to request those without immediate travel plans to defer their applications until the situation has normalized. Those with expiring passports who cannot forego their travel may opt to apply for an extension of the validity of their existing passports instead of applying for renewal.” malinaw yon na kahit sino na mag-e-expire na ay pwedeng mag-apply. so wala dapat requirements, or screening or interviews pa.
    going back. since feeling ko ay malabong makakuha ako ng extension, my dad told me to have my passport renewed sa batangas city DFA office. so i called them. unfortunately, delayed rin ang procedure nila. but the guy whom i was talking to said, “eh di magpa-extend ka nalang.” i asked kung anong requirements. he said, “wala. basta dalhin mo lang yung lumang passport mo.”
    so yesterday, may 13, i woke up at 4am, and went to batangas city. i ws there at about 6:50am. they open at 8 but they start to prepare applicants who are early para madali nalang ang process. i asked for an extension for my passport’s expiration. teh DFA guy gave me a piece of paper – the application form. i filled it up, attached a passport-sized photo with it with photocopiesof my passport pages, and payed 200 pesos. after 10 minutes, my passport was released with the extension stamp. IT WAS THAT EASY.
    i was able to go back here in manila before 11am. i am very happy dahil tapos na yung problema ko, pero nalulungkot din dahil mabagal, magulo at inconsistent talaga yung mga patakaran ng DFA. i hope this gets fixed soon.


    • G-nang
      May 14, 2011 @ 07:06:23

      First & foremost, i would like to THANK YOU for sparing some time to go back here and share your DFA experience with me and with others as well. 🙂

      I agree with you. Mas mahirap talagang mag-apply ngayon kasi may “appointment system” pa unlike before, punta ka lang dun tas pila ng halos ilang oras pero after that makukuha mo na yung passport mo after several days. Ngayon? Sobrang gulo. Iinit lang ang ulo mo kasi pag kumuha ka ng appointment, 2-3 months pa bago ka personal na makapunta dun at maka-apply. Tsk tsk tsk… San ka pa? Onli in da Philippines lang yan. 😉 Paging PNOY!

      How come DFA Offices have different procedures?! Parang mali naman ata yun di ba? Kung ganun kaluwag sa Batangas City, no need for showing plane tickets & same day releasing of passports with extension, I think dapat ganun din sa lahat ng offices/branches kapag nag-aaply ng extension. And I hope hindi rin ganun kahirap mag-apply or mag-renew ng passport. 😦 Haaaay!

      You’re so lucky for having your passport released on the same day after given an extension. 😀 Congratulations! Kahit na kinailangan mo pang dumayo sa Batangas City at dun mag-request ng extension, you were done and had it naman in a BREEZE! Sulit na sulit ang paggising mo nang maaga at pagbiyahe ng malayo. 😉 Nga pala, why did your dad suggest to have your passport renewed in Batangas City instead? Do you mind if I ask?


    • fina
      May 14, 2011 @ 15:22:03

      hi arpee. congrats po at nakakuha kayo ng extension. Do you think sa dfa manila makukuha din po namin yun that day din? minor lang po kami. Mas malaki po kaya yung chance na mabigay po samin yun since babalik po kami ng singapore para magbakasyon ulit at makasama ang mami namin habang wala pang pasok? thank you po.


    • josefa guevarra
      Jun 11, 2011 @ 10:20:24

      hi Sir Arpee, may i know the exact location of DFA in Batangas City? ive searched it in google map but i cant find it.. thanks a lot!! 🙂


      • G-nang
        Jun 12, 2011 @ 14:03:40

        DFA Batangas can be found in Batangan Plaza, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City. Take any trip to Batangas City and ask around how to get to Kumintang Ibaba. 🙂

  17. Joey
    May 14, 2011 @ 12:10:25

    My passport will be expired on June 07, 2011. Is it possible for me to extend it by 2 years since I am planning to go for vacation from Dubai to Philippines on january 2012 or dec. 2012. How much will I pay? How long it will take? Do I have to show already my ticket? What are the documents needed to give to Philippine consulate here in Dubai, UAE?Thank you…


    • G-nang
      May 15, 2011 @ 05:29:38

      Hi Joey! In your case, you have to apply for passport renewal on or before June 07 of this year. Extension is only given to those people having passports with less than 6 month validity and need to travel immediately. Since your flight is scheduled next year, you still have lots of time to renew your passport. Even if you already have tickets, they won’t grant you an extension for your travel is not that urgent.


  18. fina
    May 14, 2011 @ 15:18:45

    finally naka post na rin po ako. ayaw po kasi makapagpost nung mga the last few days eh. thanks po sa reply. this month po 5 months valid nlnang po sia since oct na po sia maexpire. ang kinakatakot ko po baka pagdating po dun sa dfa di pa po maaprove ung extension syang po ung ticket kasi if ever tuesday na po kami aalis eh monday po kami pupunta dahil nsa baguio pa po kami. sa tingn nyo po ba maeextend po yun ng dat day agad? salamt po.


    • G-nang
      May 15, 2011 @ 05:43:30

      Hi Fina! I am not sure if you would be as lucky as Arpee. 😉 Sana nag-apply ka muna ng extension before you headed to Baguio for a vacation. Mahirap kasi yung ngayon ka pupunta then bukas na pala yung flight mo. Like what you had said, what if hindi ma-approve ang extension ninyo, e di sayang lang ang ticket nyo to SG? Well, you have to take your chances. And I wish you goodluck! 😀

      When we applied for extension on February, may nakasabay kaming seaman. He was able to get his renewed passport earlier than the scheduled date kasi mauuna yung pagsakay niya ng barko kesa pagkuha ng passport. Take note, he just renewed his passport that time ha but he was able to get his passport on the same day. 🙂 Sana ganun din ang mangyari sa inyo. Goodluck!


  19. fina
    May 15, 2011 @ 06:16:54

    thank you po:) sana matatakan nga po bukas yung passport namin and would they still check the ticket? or titignan lng po nila?


    • G-nang
      May 15, 2011 @ 09:29:00

      Yup, you have to bring your tickets (original & photocopied). Agahan mo ang pagpunta dun… if makakapag-download and print ka ng DFA application form, the better. Good luck and sana dumaan ka ulit dito para balitaan kami. 😉


  20. fina
    May 15, 2011 @ 10:57:44

    yes po Ms. G. Thank you po. Sana mabigyan po kami agad. 🙂


  21. maria pallo
    May 15, 2011 @ 14:50:29

    my passport expired 3 months ago. and i need to travel to the philippines because my dad is sick. i was informed that passport processing will take 6-8 weeks. what can i do? somebody told me i could get a travel document. but it only works one way. and i need to get a new passport as soon as i get to the philippines. do you know how long it takes for passport renewal in manila?


    • G-nang
      May 16, 2011 @ 02:24:42

      The process for passport application/renewal has already changed. You need to set an appointment online ( before you can actually go to DFA office. If you would renew your passport here in the Philippines, it would be better to set an appointment now before going here. FYI, there are no more slots for this month as well as next month but there are still slots for July. So better set an appointment now before it’s too late. DFA ASEANA is now encountering problems due to unprecedented increase in passport applications and other technical problems that causes delay in the processing and releasing of passports.


  22. Joey
    May 16, 2011 @ 04:52:42

    Good day Ms. G-nang. Ask ko lang po kung mag online pa ba ko or direct na sa dubai consulate para marenew ko passport ko na magexpire this june 7?Anong oras kaya allowed kung di ako nag-online. Sabi kc ng iba dapat daw mag online muna para sa appointment kc di entertain pag wala appointment.
    Thank you..


    • G-nang
      May 18, 2011 @ 04:24:24

      Hi Joey! Depende kasi kung ano ang sistema diyan sa Dubai. Dito kasi sa atin, ipinatupad na ang online appointment last year pa. If online na rin ang pag-apply ng passport sa Dubai, I suggest ganun ang gawin mo para makakuha ka na ng mas maagang schedule. Hindi ko kasi alam ang website ng DFA diyan sa Dubai eh pero I got this information naman na sana makatulong sa’yo:

      Hon. (Mr.) Benito B. Valeriano (Consul General)
      Location Address: No. 35 Beirut St., Ext. No. 2, Villa No. 48, Al Qusais Area 3, P.O. Box 94778, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
      Telephone Number: (+9714) 254-4331
      Fax No. 254-4229
      Mobile: (+971) 50 654-4047

      Good luck! Balitaan mo kami ha.. 😉


  23. fina
    May 16, 2011 @ 14:25:34

    hello po. kanina po naappy na namin ang kukunin na po namin sa wendsday perto may problem po. Yung naginterview po samin ang sungit sungit. haha! tinanong ko po if pwedeng lola ko nlng po ang kumuha pero may letter ang daddy ko na hindi niya makukuha dahil may meeting po siya and mga ilang last minute nagagawin that day eh ang alis po namin wendsday ng gabi. Sa tingin niyo po ba irerelease yung passport namin pag lola with letter ng daddy ko po ang dala nila? ask ko lng po kung pano niyo nakuha yung passport niyo po. rineview po ba nila yung ticket niyo? thank you po:)


  24. fina
    May 16, 2011 @ 14:31:15

    hello po ms g. naapply na po namin kanina. makukuha po sa wendsday pero may problem po. yung naginterview po samin ang sungit sungit. haha! inask ko po kung pede ang lola ko na lng po ang kukuha sabi niya no! daddy mo! eh hindi po pede yung dadi ko dahil pupunta po siyang baguio tom at saturday pa ang balik. ngayon po lola ko po ang kukuha pero may letter po ung daddy ko na sinulat na hindi po niya makukuha at lola ko na lang po dahil sa wendsday din po yung ticket namin. ask ko lng po pano yung process kung pano nyo po nakuha yunh passport nyo? hindi naman na po siguro mameet ng lola ko ung masunget na naginterview kaya di naman niya po siguro malalaman na lola ko po yung kukuha? magbbgay naman po ng letter at xerox ng passport ng daddy ko plus ung xerox ng id po. Thank you po:)


    • G-nang
      May 18, 2011 @ 04:06:14

      Hi Fina! I hope you can also share your experience sa pagkuha ng extension, like yung process na pinagdaanan mo para naman makatulong din sa ibang napapadpad sa blog na’to. I would appreciate it very much! 😀

      Talaga, may masusungit na personnel din dun?! Next time kunin mo yung name tapos punta ka sa customer service nila to inform them of the behavior of their staff. Nang sa ganon eh mabigyan ng tamang aksyon. 😉

      Sa releasing ng passport, same area ka pa rin maghihintay pero ike-claim mo yun sa unang office, the one closer to the the main entrance. One question lang, how come daddy/lola mo ang kukuha instead of you? Is it because minor ka? Siguro naman if may authorization letter plus valid IDs (daddy mo + lola mo), makukuha yun ng lola mo pero siyempre mas maganda kung yung mismong sinabihang pedeng mag-claim ang siyang kukuha. 😉


  25. Roselle
    May 18, 2011 @ 03:03:30

    Good Morning! I have a question, I would be working in Indonesia this July, but they need my passport to be valid for 18 month atleast daw po muna before they can start processing yung work permit and visa. They had provided me with contract already, and the airline ticket dated July 4.
    So basically po, can the CONTRACT be used as a supporting document instead of a work permit and visa?


  26. fina
    May 18, 2011 @ 12:19:46

    Yung lola ko po nagpunta kanina sa dfa with authorization letter, id, xerox of passport ng daddy ko. Ayaw po talga ibigay:( eh yung daddy ko po nasa Baguio. Ngayon hindi po tuloy kami makatravel. 😦 sa monday po kukunin na ng daddy ko. Sabi po ng lola ko iinterview pa daw po yung daddy ko? ganun po ba talaga? pag kinuha po ba yung passport pipila pa tas kukunin na lng or may kailangan pa pong gawin? atchaka parang sabi po sakin ng lola ko chaka palang tatatakan pag nandun na yung kukuha. Tama po ba yun? sorry po for a lot of questions. 😀 ikwekwento ko po kung anong mangyayari sa monday. Hay, ang gulo kumuha sa dfa. 😐


    • G-nang
      May 23, 2011 @ 12:05:01

      Oh, so sorry for what had happened. 😥 Pero ganun talaga, we have to strictly follow the rules and regulations. Like what I had said, mas maganda kung ang kukuha eh yung sinabi mismo nung personnel. But then again I don’t understand why we have to undergo this kind of difficulty in claiming the passport with the authorization letter and valid IDs. Tsk tsk tsk… In our case, naghintay lang kami ng around 20 minutes para i-release yung passport sa Director’s Office. Yung tungkol sa tinatakan on the day of release, I am not sure though we have seen the lady on the first desk doing that. I hope maging okay na ang lahat para naman makasunod na kayo sa SG habang hindi pa nagsisimula ang pasukan. 🙂


  27. Pura Mortel Rabino
    May 19, 2011 @ 04:39:18

    My sister invite meto go to japan,but my passport is expired on june 19,2011..pwede ko pa bng magamit ang passport ko?


    • G-nang
      May 19, 2011 @ 05:38:22

      Anyone who wishes to travel outside the Philippines must possess a valid passport with 6 months validity from the date of departure. Since your passport s expiring next month, I suggest that you set an appointment as soon as possible at to avoid any hassle in your future travel.


  28. JOhn D
    May 19, 2011 @ 13:20:53

    Thanks for the INFO and it really helps a lot specially for those OFW’s like me.
    i just want to know if they can release it as early as 1 day? or do you have any they can release it it 1 day because tomorrow i will go to DFA may 19 and my scheduled departure is may 23?


    • G-nang
      May 20, 2011 @ 04:11:08

      Once you have applied your passport, go to the Director’s Office (make sure you have your plane ticket) and ask if you could get your renewed passport immediately. Explain your reason for that request and support it with necessary documents. Good luck!


  29. mily
    May 20, 2011 @ 14:13:51

    hi! i would like to ask regarding passport extension,, my application for extension was approved, i was about to fill up some forms,, what date will i’m going to write in the expiration of passport,, would it be the original date or the extended? thanks a lot!


  30. mily
    May 22, 2011 @ 05:03:58

    thanks po sa reply, so the expiration date will be the extended validity date of my passport,, but the date issued will remain the same? thanks a lot and god bless ^_^


  31. liz
    May 22, 2011 @ 17:06:44

    hi G-nang, my family will be leaving fot hk on may 24 sana, when i found out only last week that my 6 year old daughter’s passport expires jan 2011 last week. so i got her an appt for renewal, but then releasing date is on may 31 which would be already too late. Do you know whether theres a way for me to get her passport release earlier than the said date? is it possible for an expired visa to be able to get an extension? thanks


    • G-nang
      May 23, 2011 @ 09:07:03

      Oh, I am so sorry for replying only now. 😦 Anyway, you can go back tomorrow as early as possible and head to Director’s Office together with your claim stub and plane tickets. Your daughter’s passport can be released and you can claim it the same day. Don’t forget to show them the proofs that you need it badly and can’t wait for the releasing date. Good luck!


  32. crez
    May 24, 2011 @ 13:47:24

    Hi Ms G-nang,

    Tanong ko lng po kasi uuwi ako ng Pinas sa May 27 tas balik ko dito sa Singapore sa June 5 pero sa October 2011 na mag-eexpire yung passport ko. Yung contract ko naman sa company ko dito eh matatapos na ngayong July 2011. Sa tingin mo kelangan ko pa rin i-extend yung validity nung passport ko? And if yes, do you think my employment pass would be enough to support my request for extension?



    • G-nang
      May 26, 2011 @ 08:06:57

      If October this year ang expiration ng passport mo tapos uuwi ka dito this month, it means less than 6 months na ang validity ng passport mo. As far as I know kasi may procedure na hindi pahintulutang makapagtravel lahat ng guests na less than 6 months ang validity ng passport. I hope you can clarify it diyan sa DFA sa Singapore.

      Let say nakabalik ka dito sa Pinas on May 27, yes you can request for an extension since June 5 ang balik mo. Kasi kung hindi ka makakakuha ng extension, you won’t be able to go back to Singapore for you won’t be allowed by the Immigration dito sa Pinas, if makalusot ka, haharangin ka naman ng Immigration sa Singapore. You can use your work permit/employment pass as your supporting document sa pagkuha ng extension. If you also have your return ticket to Singapore, dalahin mo na rin. Do you also have your contract? Para sigurado, dalahin mo na rin. 🙂 Good luck!


  33. Adrian
    May 26, 2011 @ 08:38:17

    Hi, paano ba mag apply ng passport extension?Nandito ako ngayon sa Tasmania, Australia and I am about to apply for Permanent Residence kaso yung Green passport ko mag eexpire na ng January 2012. Gusto ko kasi ma issue muna yung PR visa bago ako magpa renew ng passport para walang maging problema sa immigration dito. Can anyone advise please. Thanks.


    • G-nang
      May 27, 2011 @ 00:32:04

      Yung pong extension of validity of passport is only given to those people with passport less than 6 months validity at the same time may urgent travel outside the country. I your case po, kailangan ninyong magrenew 6 months before the expiration, which is August 2011, para po makaiwas sa anumang problema. Hindi ko rin sigurado if mayroong ganung klaseng service sa DFA Australia.


  34. Grace
    May 26, 2011 @ 11:17:16

    Hi. What a blessing you are to us all! Anyway, I’m leaving for US for the first time this coming June 8, 2011 for a month vacation. My passport will expire on Sept. 9, 2011. I was granted with an ‘extension’ of 2 years this May. I understand that such is acceptable in other Asian countries. But how about in the US Immigration? Will that ‘extension’ be honored by the US Immigration Officer pagdating ko po dun? I really need a factual response concerning this issue. Ayoko pong ma-airport to airport. Besides, sayang naman po ang airfares. I’ll be anxiously waiting for your reply. And a million thanks to you!


    • G-nang
      May 27, 2011 @ 00:38:32

      Hi Ms. Grace! As far as I know “extension of validity” is being honored in all countries because if not, DFA won’t give extension at all to guests with passport less than 6 months validity. Or you can call their hotline — (632) 556-0000 — for further clarification. 😀


    • bogs
      Jun 07, 2011 @ 06:22:53

      hi grace we got desame concerne regarding to our extended passport un din ang worry ko baka hindi i grant ng us immigration pero cguro tama si mr g n bakit mgbibigay ng extention ang DFA kung hindi magiging valid but still worried pa din ako pero dis my 4th time to travel to U.S but dis i have my 4yr old son with me sana mr g walang maging problema salamat po tnx din grace


  35. mary
    May 30, 2011 @ 18:22:51

    hi, Im working abroad and i will go phil this june 17. I have confirmed ticket and hotel bookings going to singapore with my son this june 24. But the problem is, the passport of my son will expire October 12,2011. So I sent authorization to my mother to renue the passport, she renued April 26 given the date of release june 16 (EXPRESS). But when I heard that their is problem in releasing the passport i ask my sister to go to DFA in our province to confirm if they can release the passport on the said date. But the one in the releasing counter told my sister it will be delayed 2 to 3 weeks..I want to cry you know I feel sad for my son. I came home coz its my sons wish to travel for his birthday he’s turning 6 on june. Im planning to apply for extension when i got home or I dont know if my mother can do it again in my behalf so it will be earlier. You think they will issue for me an extension and if could do it 4 days before our sched flight? thank you so much for the info. Gobless you.


    • G-nang
      May 31, 2011 @ 05:07:06

      Hi Ms. Mary. DFA has been encountering some technical problems due to unexpected increase of applicants but I never knew that you have to wait for 2 months for the rush processing instead of the 10 day waiting period. Tsk tsk tsk…. I hope the president would do something about it.

      The best thing to do is as soon as you come back here, go to the DFA office where your mom applied for renewal and head to the DFA Director’s Office (if ever there is). Make sure you bring your tickets with you (original and photocopied) as well as the claim stub and explain to them that you have to get the passport of your son ASAP for you have a scheduled trip on the 24th. Don’t worry too much for your son would be able to join you on that trip. Good luck! 😉


  36. Pamela Rose Abuy
    Jun 01, 2011 @ 04:37:03

    Bonjour ms g!!i jst wnt to knw wats the best thing for me to do,,i renew my passport last march 19 here in montreal,but until now i hvnt receive yet,and i urgently need 8 coz were going for a trip in switzerland this coming june24 and i need my passport to take visa,,my passport will expire sept.20,2011..we tried to call the embassy this morning and they told us for extension,,my employer downloaded sm form,,(application form for passport ammendment,) the ryt form?,below it written. Stamp for extension of passport validity per______dated_____,,,what will be in the blank???and also it witten here i undertake to apply for a new passport within the extended period of validity from___to___……will it be frm date of issue or the expiration to the extended validity that i will request…what do you think i need to wait the new passport or the extension?…thank you so much for your time..pls REPLY ASAP..godbless


    • G-nang
      Jun 01, 2011 @ 14:05:30

      Bonjour Ms. Pamela! 😉 If you already renewed your passport, I don’t see any reason for you to apply for an extension. Extension is only given to those guests who cannot renew their passports but badly needed it for an urgent trip. And it would be better if you go directly at the embassy and present your travel tickets to Switzerland for June 24 so that your passport can be released right away. By the way, the form that you had downloaded was not the right one. Amendment is only applied by women who wish to use their married name instead of their maiden name. Hope I answered your question. 😀


  37. khaye
    Jun 01, 2011 @ 19:21:17

    good day mam, ask ko lang po Sept 12, 2012 yung expiration ng passport ko, Then nakapagpa book ako ng Travel to malaysia ng March 4,2012.Pasok pa po ba ito sa 6months validity.If not I was thinking kc if magpaparenew ako ngayon kasi late na un online appointment or magpapa extend na lang ako nxt yr before march 2012.

    Thanks po.


    • G-nang
      Jun 02, 2011 @ 09:27:41

      Hi Ms. Khaye! The best thing to do is to set an appointment now for passport application. I am sure there are still slots for July or August. 🙂


      • khaye
        Jun 02, 2011 @ 12:28:14

        thanks po mam, another question sorry if medyo makulit. My brother naman will expire on Oct 14, 2012..tapos March 4, 2012, travel namin to malaysia. ok pa po ito di ba? kahit nde muna sya mag renew. thanks a lot

      • G-nang
        Jun 03, 2011 @ 01:51:26

        Yes Ms. Khaye, valid pa yung passport niya for Malaysia trip pero mas maganda kung makakapag-renew siya on January 2012. Pwede na siyang magset ng appointment online for January 2012 to make sure na marami pang slots. 🙂

  38. gwen
    Jun 03, 2011 @ 10:30:57

    Hi po..
    nakakafrustrate kasi sobrang tagal ng releasing of passport ngayon. My appointment was last April 08 at DFA Lucena (passport renewal) and I was supposed to receive my passport last May 31. Kaya lang, up until today, wala pa din dahil delayed daw ang releasing.
    I will be travelling to Japan on early July and I REALLY need to have my passport asap for visa application. Any suggestion on what I should do?


    • G-nang
      Jun 04, 2011 @ 15:10:23

      Hi Gwen! Yup, meron ngang technical difficulties ngayon sa DFA… regarding your problem, if there is a Director’s Office at DFA Lucena, pwede kang pumunta don para i-claim yung passport mo. Bring the claim stub as well as your plane tickets to Japan to present sa staff na naandon then explain mo na lang mabuti yung reason mo.. That might help you. 🙂 Samahan mo na rin ng konting pangungulit.


  39. bogs
    Jun 07, 2011 @ 06:13:26

    hi mr g-nang ask ko lang po kung possible n makakuha ng extension para sa passport ko it will be expired on oct 19 2011 im planing to travel with my son to U.S. worried lang po ako kasi. ask ko lang kung they will accept n extended lang ung passport ko hindi po kay mg karoon ng problem once we enter to U.S? hoping for your reply asap pasensya n salamat


    • G-nang
      Jun 11, 2011 @ 04:21:37

      Hi there! I am a SHE and not a HE.. lol 😉 By the way, extension is valid for travel overseas. Tatatakan nila yung passport mo ng date kung hanggang kelan valid yung passport mo. We entered Singapore & Malaysia but not a single IO (Immigration Officer) questioned us. Kung doubtful ka pa rin, it would be better to call the US Embassy and ask about it. 🙂 Pero October pa expiration ng passport mo right? It would be better kung mag-set ka na ng application online for passport renewal. May slot pa naman for July so I think before ka makapag-travel sa US, makukuha mo na yung passport mo. Regards!


  40. rambo
    Jun 07, 2011 @ 09:59:15

    G’day maam, my passport expires Oct but we have a company paid travel incentive this August to HK and Macau. Scheduled renewal is end of July and 14 days to get new passport, looks like it wont make my departure dates this August. Went to DFA this morning and person informed me that extension is not allowed for tour purposes but for OFW’s / Medical/ Death reasons etc. Wasnt able to get any forms since guard already ruled out my concern. Anyway you can help or suggest? I even had my company write a letter to show all info etc. Thanks much have a great day!


    • G-nang
      Jun 11, 2011 @ 05:20:32

      May I know who told you that extension is not given for tour purposes? Were you able to go to the Director’s Office or you were not allowed by the guard at Gate1/2 to get inside? You are supposed to show your papers to the guard at the Director’s Office and he’ll be the one to give you a form and guide you what to do next. When we went there, the guard at the office asked us the reason and when we told him that we had a flight the next month, he told us that our application might not get approved but then he let us pursue our application. You have to insist that you have to and if you need to mention that you have a friend who also got an extension for the same purpose, just do so.

      Actually it was stated on their website that extension will be given to OFWs/Medical/Death reasons that’s why when we were told about getting an extension, we were quite hesitant in going to the DFA. But since we had no other options, we tried it and luckily had our passports validity extended. 🙂 There were other readers here who had the same experience/purpose who also got their extension. And I hope it should become a lesson for everyone of us to renew our passports 6 months before its expiry. Good luck!


      • rambo
        Jun 11, 2011 @ 11:47:56

        Guard told us…i guess diskarte talaga kailangan. But ya another person there dont really know position said pag tour purposes ayaw daw nila. Anyway thanks so much will try again this week. Also can i still push through my application with interview for new passport in case i do get my extension? Again have a nice day!

  41. frances
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 06:33:33

    hello po! i have the same prob with you and you gave me an idea. I came back to Philippines for a 1 month vacation. My passport is going to expire on July 25 this year. My flight going back to Saudi will be on June 27. I do not have enough time to wait to renew my passport. I would like to ask you po if only DFA manila offers this passport validity extension. I am from Ilocos Sur and i would like to know if the DFA in san fernando La union can also give me an extension. Please help me with my concern. I’ll be waiting po. God bless!


    • G-nang
      Jun 11, 2011 @ 05:48:45

      Are you an OFW? If yes, you can get an extension at the Director’s Office or Consular Office of the DFA. Though I am not that sure if all branches of DFA has this kind of services. You should call DFA La Union and ask about the Consular Services as well as getting an extension.


  42. josefa bacal
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 15:39:48

    hi, i just want to know if your trip to singapore was a business or holiday trip, coz i went to the dfa and the guard outside told me that tehy dont approve of extension if the reason is just going on a tour. i didnt purchase my ticket yet because the agent where i supposed to buy it advised me that its best to get an extenson first. what proof can i show them since i dont have a ticket, im desperate to leave. thanks!


    • G-nang
      Jun 11, 2011 @ 05:46:10

      Our trip to Singapore was not a business trip, it’s a leisure trip (tour or holiday trip) and a birthday gift for myself. 😀 Which among the guard stopped you? Is it from the Gate 1 or Gate 2? You should enter Gate 2 and tell the guard that you would go to the Director’s Office to apply for an extension. Not all the guards are well-informed, blame it to the management of the DFA. Tsk tsk tsk… But you need to have a ticket as a proof that you badly needed to get an extension for an urgent trip. Or you can do the same thing that one of readers did, he went to the DFA Batangas and applied for an extension there without any ticket.. But if your trip is not that urgent and you haven’t purchased a ticket yet, it would be better if you would set an appointment online and apply on the said schedule. Regards!


      • josefa guevarra
        Jun 11, 2011 @ 10:05:52

        at first i asked the guard from gate 1, he said that i should go to gate 3 and when i get there, the lady guard stopped me and gave me a piece of paper which by the way is not for the extension but rather rush processing of passport(or is it the same??). she asked me if i have an appointment and i said no since i will be applying for an extension. i was supposed to pay for my ticket that same day but the agent asked me to go to dfa first to get an extension and that’s what i did,unfortunately i asked the guard twice and she said i cant get inside if i don’t have with me the requirements. needed for extension,my travel is for our vacation, my hubby already filed his vacation leave and im so disappointed that it didn’t turned out the way we imagined 😦 i already have an appointment for renewal of my passport but it’s on july 5 pa, and our date of travel is on june 26 sana… my ticket does not not allow changing of dates thats why the agent insisted that i should have an extension first… what to do… :)) thanks a lot!

      • G-nang
        Jun 12, 2011 @ 14:00:39

        You should get the tickets first before you go to DFA Aseana for extension. If it is an e-ticket it won’t be returned to you so make sure you provide the photocopy of the ticket as well as the original if it’s not an e-ticket or the ticket you get online. You can enter Gate 2. You don’t need to have an appointment for applying for an extension. Just tell the guard that you’re going to the Director’s Office and would be applying for extension. It’s okay to get the piece of paper from the guard for you’ll be filling out the application form at the Director’s Office or you may download it from DFA’s website ( Good luck!

      • josefa guevarra
        Jun 14, 2011 @ 07:53:07

        hello Ms. G-nang! i just want to say thank you for your help, i did everything you told me and now im happy to say that they approved my file for extension 🙂 i will go back to dfa for my passport on thursday! whew! what a relief! thanks really! im excited for my vacation 🙂

      • G-nang
        Jun 16, 2011 @ 08:32:34

        Nice to know that! Have a safe trip! 😀

  43. Rob
    Jun 21, 2011 @ 04:16:02

    Hi! My passport will expire 7 months from now and I have a flight this coming weekends (Singapore). Just want to know if I will need to apply for an extension?


    • G-nang
      Jun 24, 2011 @ 13:05:19

      You can still use your passport but make sure that it is still valid (6 months validity) when you go back here to the Philippines. You won’t be able to get an extension for your passport is still valid. People with passports of less than 6 months validity can only apply for extension.


  44. Jennifer
    Jul 01, 2011 @ 07:21:24

    Hello. Im a permanent resident in Sydney and due to go back to manila July 9-23 for a vacay. I already bought my tickets only to realize one week before my departure that my passport will be valid only for 5.5 months by then. I asked the embassy in sydney and was told they dont do extension of passport validity, only renewal and it will take weeks.
    i cannot rebook my tickets. if i show DFA in manila these and maybe my employment certificate, do you think there’s a big chance they will approve the extension? I cannot stay in manila for a prolonged time waiting for my passport to get renewed as this might jeopardize my job here.
    Thank you!


    • G-nang
      Jul 02, 2011 @ 13:25:56

      If you are an OFW and holding a Philippine passport, I am sure that you can get a passport validity extension. Just bring the necessary documents like passport, employment certificate, job order and tickets. Or you may call their hotline (+632) 556 – 0000. Good luck!


  45. abercrollitchn
    Jul 11, 2011 @ 16:01:38

    wow! this is such a great help to me right now. just the right information i needed. thank you so much for sharing.


  46. wilma wilkins
    Jul 12, 2011 @ 14:58:15

    hello! msG-Nang, question ko po puede bang mag apply ng extension para sa .anak ko since yung passport nya mag expire sa dec. 12 2011.nag medical exam siya kahapon at sabi nng taga st. luke hindi nila e release yung result kung hindi na renew ang passport.worried ako ngayon kasi sa friday na yung schedule na for interview sa us embassy. expect pa naman akong kunin after marelease na yong visa nya kaagad.masayang din yong airplane ticket pabalik sa cebu kasi taga cebu tingin po nyo ba e approve yong extension pag nakiusap sa director?kailangan ko na talagang makuha ang anak ko.3 yrs. na kaming hindi the way ang sister in law ko lang ang nag accompany sa kanya kasi nasa nandito ako sa states at saka yong anak is only 13 yrs. old.hahanapin ba nila ang parent consent? puede ko bang e fax lang ito sa kanila?

    thank you po..pls.reply soon.


    • G-nang
      Jul 15, 2011 @ 10:32:38

      Madam, pwede naman kahit na yung guardian ang mag-accompany sa kanya. Yes, he can apply for an extension… kaya lang I don’t know kung mabibigyan siya ng extension sa DFA ASEANA nang walang plane tickets to US. Kailangan po kasi may urgent trip but I am not sure kung papayagan nila for the sake of the interview for US Visa. It would be better po kung tatawag kayo sa DFA para makasigurado, 556-0000.


  47. Leira
    Jul 15, 2011 @ 02:29:19

    do you think I could get an extension a week before my flight? thanks!


  48. evilisleiraisevil
    Jul 16, 2011 @ 10:16:04

    I just passed the screening for an international symposium to be held at thailand 2 days ago, and I will be representing the Philippines on Aug 1 to 7. But my passport will expire on October. I hope this reason is urgent enough for the DFA to approve my request. >____< thanks!


    • G-nang
      Jul 18, 2011 @ 03:25:43

      Yes, you can apply for an extension but do bring your tickets as well as other documents that can prove the urgency of your trip. Regards!


  49. analyn
    Jul 20, 2011 @ 02:06:51

    hi, i would just like to ask if i need to renew my passport before i travel to canada on january 2012.. my visa will expire 0n feb 2012 and my passport will expire on march 2012.. will my visa be transferred to the new passport? thanks alot


    • G-nang
      Jul 26, 2011 @ 09:28:28

      Hi. Since you already have a scheduled trip, it would be BEST to set an appointment now so that you can renew your passport before it expires. 🙂


  50. mhar
    Aug 05, 2011 @ 12:21:37

    hay sana nga mag ok salamat sa info monday try ko kasi di ko din alam eh heheheh 6 months pala dapat valid 5 months na lang aug 12 na ako alis sana mag ok salamat ulit sa info


    • G-nang
      Aug 06, 2011 @ 02:54:35

      No problem mhar! Sana maging maayos ang pagkuha mo ng extension. Sana rin magpunta ka na sa DFA as soon as possible para maiwasan ang anumang aberya. Good luck! 🙂


  51. josefa guevarra
    Aug 06, 2011 @ 04:34:00

    hi ms. G! additional info lang po, galing po kasi ako sa dfa last july and found out na nagbibigay n po sila ng extension na 1yr ng walang bayad :)) pero same procedure and grounds pa din po. God Bless!!


  52. Melissa
    Aug 10, 2011 @ 08:17:13

    hi.. ms. g,, just want to from Dubai and going to manila for vacation this month & yng flight ko pabalik ng Dubai is Sept. 22, 2011 which yng passport ko is expiring on the 6th of March 2012, it means my passport is less than 6 months valid from the day na pabalik ako ng Dubai…ask ko lng if makapag apply ako ng extension sa DFA manila then sa dubai ko nlang renew passport ko pag balik…and how much will i need to pay…
    thanks po…Godbless..


    • G-nang
      Aug 12, 2011 @ 07:52:28

      Melissa, try to log on the dfa website and check if you can still get an appointment for the month of September. If there would be no more slots, you can apply for an extension but you have to bring your ticket to Dubai. If you would be given a 2 year extension, you don’t have to renew it when you get back to Dubai. You can renew your passport before it expires on the indicated date. Last February, we paid P200.


  53. jhune
    Aug 13, 2011 @ 13:16:42

    Good Evening po! Ask kulag po if mabibigyan ako ng extension, kasi im going to phil on aug. 31 and back to my work on sept. 13 but my passport expiration is on sept. 6. hopeless na po ako kasi pag umuwi ako baka hindi ako makabalik kasi expired na passport ko pero may working permit naman ako at kailangan ko talagang makabalik sa sept. 13 at may ticket na kasi ako, hindi ko napansin na mag expire na pala passport ko. thank u so much in advance!


    • G-nang
      Aug 17, 2011 @ 02:39:25

      Uuwi ka ng Pilipinas on August 31 with a passport expiring 6 days before your arrival? As far as I know guests having a passport with less than 6 months validity will not be allowed to enter any country. The best thing to do is to go to the Philippine Embassy of the country where you in right now as soon as possible.


  54. happybaby08
    Aug 17, 2011 @ 10:16:14

    Hi there… My passport is the green one just want to ask if it matters. I heard from a friend na they (Immigration) question the green passport kc machine non-readable daw.


    • G-nang
      Aug 18, 2011 @ 05:05:12

      As long as your passport is valid and not expiring within six months, the color won’t matter. Last year, we were able to have a trip in Singapore and Malaysia with our green passports. 🙂


  55. Missy
    Aug 19, 2011 @ 07:52:15

    Haay! Sana nabasa ko to ng maaga, I have no idea na meron pala extension until I found out knina mismo sa DFA, but it’s too late na din kasi butas na yung passport namin nung nkpgtanong kami sa lady guard, I’m about to travel this Sept 5 to china, nung kumukuha ako visa, I found out na less than 6months na ang passport ko, so I immediately set an appointment. so ang naging schedule ko sa DFA is knina AUG19, pero ok na din since I already booked another flight which is sept 17, sad to say lang, ang dami ko na gastos di pa nga ako nkakaalis ng PINAS. huhuhu, na sana 200 lang magagastos ko for the extension.


    • G-nang
      Aug 20, 2011 @ 07:04:51

      Awww… so sorry to know that. Yaan mo na, at least wala ka ng winoworry ngayon. Tuloy na tuloy na yung trip mo kahit na nabawasan ng more than 1k yung pocket money mo. Habol ka pa sa sahod sa akinse. 🙂 Enjy your trip!


  56. Dennis Ferrer
    Aug 25, 2011 @ 05:15:58

    Hello Ma’am G-Nang,

    I am searching on passport extension at the DFA website but could not look for an answer with regards to my case. Then I came across your website and find it very informative. And now, here I am trying my luck to search for answers.

    I just have received my Australian Permanent Residence Visa and have already booked for Sep 2012 ticket. My passport will still be expiring this June 2012, so no problem on the 6-month validity rule. However, I came to know that the passport extension in Australia costs more than here in the Philippines that is why I wanted to request for a passport extension. Another reason is that, it would be less hassle for me to go back home or travel in other countries without thinking of my soon expiring passport.

    What is the chance that I will be successful in getting my passport extended? I would appreciate any opinion.

    Thanks and all the best in your endeavor in helping other people through your wonderful website.



    • G-nang
      Aug 26, 2011 @ 05:06:40

      Why apply for an extension if you can apply for a passport renewal? Extension is only given to those people who have no time to renew their passports but need to leave the country as soon as possible. Since renewal will take a couple of months in getting an appointment, they are allowed to be given an extension of 2 years in able not to miss their scheduled flights. In your case, you can set an appointment now online and renew your passport on the schedule that you would be given to you. You can renew your passport as early as now since you’ll be residing in Australia as Sep. 2012 comes. If your passport would get renewed this year, it’s expiring date would be 5 years from now…. which is on 2016. 🙂


  57. Dennis Ferrer
    Aug 26, 2011 @ 12:54:10

    Sorry for the confusion Ms G, I mean Sep 2011. That is why I would opt to go for Passport extension because there is no more time for renewal.


  58. cherry ann
    Aug 26, 2011 @ 16:18:39

    Hi Ma’am G-nang,
    nagworry po ako bigla ng mabasa ko po ung post nyo at pati mga experiences po na nai-share po ng iba…ofw po ako dito sa singapore at nakabili na po ako ng ticket pauwi ng pinas ngayong oct 1 at balik din po agad ako ng oct 7., narealised ko po na ang passport ko po pala ay mag expire na sa march 11,2012. ibig pong sabihin less than 6 months na po validity ng passport ko..ano pong mas mabuti kong gawin? pwede po ba akong kumuha na ng extention of validity dito sa embassy sa singapore? possible po ba yon? nag aalala po kasi ako na baka mabitin na po pag sa pinas pa ako kukuha lalo na at sa probinsya po ako nakastay…sana po mabigyan po ninyo ako ng magandang advice…thank u po so much



    • G-nang
      Aug 27, 2011 @ 02:21:58

      Kung nagbibigay ng extension ang Phil. Embassy dyan sa Singapore, mag-apply ka na agad. It would be better kung pupunta ka the soonest para magtanong. Kasi hindi ka rin makalalabas ng Singapore kung less than 6 months ang validity ng passport mo. Hindi ka papayagan ng mga Immigration Officers ng SG. If ever man na hindi nagbibigay ng extension of validity ang embassy natin dyan, mag-renew ka na agad ng passport as soon as possible bago pa mag-September. Sayang naman yung ticket mo pauwi dito sa atin. Good luck and have a safe flight on October 1. 😉


  59. John
    Aug 28, 2011 @ 13:51:41

    Hi G-nang,,, Magtatanong lang, yung family ko ay babalik na sa Bahrain on Oct 14 2011, but yung passport ng eldest son ko expires on Feb 2012, nakapagpabook na ako ng flight before ko nalaman na required 6 months validity ng passport, ganun din ba kahit minor (9 years old) lang yung bata ay 6 months parin validity ng passport required to travel? sa palagay mo maaaprove kaya kung apply ko ng extension kasi I still have 1.5 months till the flight? Ano naman requirements na dadalhin ko para sa kanya? at kailangan pa ba sumama yung bata?


    • G-nang
      Aug 31, 2011 @ 04:41:07

      Yup, it applies to all guests entering another country. Kapag less than 6 months ang validity, di pinapayagan ng Immigration Officers na makaalis or makapasok ng isang bansa. It would be better for you to head as soon as possible to the DFA ASEANA with your son and apply for an extension before it’s too late. Dalhin mo lang yung passport niya as well as the travel ticket. If you have a work permit or any document that could support his travel, please do bring it too. It will get approved naman the same day. Paki-follow lang yung step by step process sa blog para hindi masayang yung pagpunta ninyo. Pag tinanong kayo ng guard sa Gate 2, sabihin ninyo pupunta kayong Director’s Office for an extension. Hope this helps.


  60. Joy
    Sep 02, 2011 @ 15:40:55

    Hi Ms. G-nang,

    I would just like to thank you for this wonderful information. Me and my brother are to fly to HK next week when we found out yesterday about the validity requirement. Both our passports are to expire this feb 2012 this leading us with 5 months validity. With your help we were able to apply this morning for extension and our passport are for pick up already on tuesday… We really appreciate your effort in sharing this information to the public.. Again, Thank you very much!!! 🙂


  61. aine
    Sep 03, 2011 @ 17:31:26

    Hi Ms. G-Nang! You’re an angel! Thank you very much! You have given me all the hopes I can get to get my passport extended. I have a trip to SG this Sept. and little did I know that I need to to renew my passport because it’s expiring in 5 months!

    Anyway, if I may ask. Aside from tickets and photocopies, do I need to present any identification like NBI clearance? Company ID? SSS? Birth cert?

    Thank you so much!!!


  62. APRIL
    Sep 23, 2011 @ 09:53:57

    Just want to ask if its possible na magapply ng US visa with just an extension date na nakatatak sa passport?

    Thank u very much.


  63. Glenn
    Sep 27, 2011 @ 18:27:36

    Hello G-nang
    ask ko po kasi ako po ay seaman at nasa labas po ako ng bansa ngayon gamit ang aking revalidated na passport, last May ko lang po ito naipaextend at nabigyan po ako ng 2years additional validity, firts of all next January 2012 pa naman po ito mag expire sana pero po dahil sa requirements na atleast 1yr valid kailangan ang passport pag magapply ng spanish visa kaya naman po ito naiparevalidate ng agency ko. Ang ask ko lang po ay , Hindi po ba ako magkakaroon ng problema sa US immagration by my next contract which is February 2012 ang expected ko na balik sa barko, Baka po kasi ako mapa deport
    at baka hindi po i honor ang Extension ng passport specially electronic passport na po ang gamit ngayon or nasa system na po ba international ang validity ng documents namin


    • G-nang
      Sep 29, 2011 @ 10:08:41

      Hi! As far as I know, naka-document naman yun lahat sa system ng DFA. Regarding sa US Immigration, for sure hindi ka lang madedeport baka hindi ka pa makasakay ng barko if you would not have your passport renewed. Kaya mas makabubuti kung makapag-renew ka agad ng passport instead of just applying for an extension.


  64. Glenn
    Sep 27, 2011 @ 18:32:49

    Anither thing po pala G-nang, nag try po ako mag apply onine ng appointment sa DFA website just to have an idea kung kelan po meron opening prefer ko po sana ay November which is yan po ang uwi ko pero dahil po sa hindi po makita ang mga available na dates unless to complete po muna ang application online, In short po I made my schedule wrong but I tryed to cancel, ayaw po eh ang sabi sa web application cannot be found after ko i enter ang ang confirmation number ko po, baka po kasi ako magkaroon ng problem in future.

    Thanks po


    • G-nang
      Sep 29, 2011 @ 10:15:56

      Hindi mo talaga yun maka-cancel pero kung nagkamali ka ng pagkuha ng schedule, walang problema. Ulitin mo na lang ulit… Huwag kang mag-alala, hindi ka magkakaroon ng problema in the future. For sure, hindi mo nabasa to no: Paalala: Kung nakakuha ka na ng appointment schedule at nais mong kumuha muli, ang lumang appointment ay makakansela at mapapalitan ng bago mong kukunin. Kapag hindi mo na ma-click yung date, it means hindi na siya available. So ang pipiliin mo lang eh yung mga araw na clickable pa… :))


  65. berdie
    Sep 28, 2011 @ 18:15:21

    Hi, ung passport ko mageexpire ng June 22, 2012 and i have an application sa London. nagemail ung employer ko na aalis ako by january 2012 and advised me to asked kng pde ako mag-ask ng extension until at least August 2012. Ang kaso i need to send them daw ung proof n may extension ako before Sept. 30 ends kasi may certain procedure silang gagawin doon sa london for my visa application needing my passport e kng makita daw n June na expiration bka nde maaprobahan. and another thing, 9 months pa bago ung expiration date ko, bka nde ako bigyan ng extension ngaun?


    • G-nang
      Sep 29, 2011 @ 10:21:09

      Hi Berdie! Medyo naguguluhan ako. Bakit mas gusto mong kumuha ng extension than i-renew yung passport mo? If this month yung tinutukoy mo (Sep. 30), I think pwede mong subukan yung ginawa nung isang reader dito. Sa DFA Batangas siya kumuha ng extension. At ayon sa kanya, walang tanung-tanong or tickets na hiningi sa kanya. That same day daw eh nakakuha din siya. You can try your luck too. Sa DFA ASEANA kasi mahigpit eh… Good luck!


  66. mariel montez
    Oct 03, 2011 @ 08:46:33

    HI! This is very helpful! 🙂 btw. Mag hongkong kami ng friend ko this october na. we have tickets na non-rebookable and non-refundable. But her passport is going to expired na sa Jan. 2012.. May question is approved ba nila yon kahit na for pleasure lang gagawin namin. hindi naman emergency. may tickets na kasi kami eh.. Thanks


    • G-nang
      Oct 13, 2011 @ 11:27:00

      That’s what exactly happened sa amin ni hubby… We didn’t notice na less than 6 months na lang yung validity ng passport namin to think na we have only a few weeks left before our Singapore Trip. It was also a pleasure trip, wala namang problema dun as long as you have tickets na. Make sure to bring it with you (original & photocopies) in going to the DFA. Good luck! 🙂


  67. amy
    Oct 05, 2011 @ 05:24:43

    Good afternoon. May passport will expire this month & I plan to renew in DFA Batangas. I like to like to know the DFA office schedule, meron don bang quota like in Lucena City na dapat madaling araw naka pila ka na?



    • G-nang
      Oct 13, 2011 @ 11:32:01

      Hi Amy! Is DFA Batangas the nearest branch in your place? Actually I have no idea kung may quota sila. But one thing I am sure of is you need to have an appointment before you can process your application. Without that appointment, you will not be able to enter the gate and process your application. Extension of Validity is only given to those who have URGENT trips abroad. 🙂


  68. Rose
    Oct 06, 2011 @ 16:18:43

    Hello po, Ms. G-nang! I was looking for some articles about extension of the validity of the passport at nabasa ko nga itong sa iyo. I am an OFW from Japan. My passport will be expiring on December 11, 2011. I applied for a renewal last July 11, 2011 here in the Philippine Consulate. They told me that the processing will be made in October. So, I followed up this processing and I inquired again for 2 weeks. They answered me that they didn’t have any updates yet about this. I am worried because I am planning to spend my Christmas vacation in the Philippines on December 23 (in which my passport is already expired) and I purchased already my plane ticket. I called up Philippine Embassy in Tokyo and asked some information on what to do. They replied that my place is not in their jurisdiction, instead it’s Philippine Consulate in Osaka. They also told me that I have to process a travel document instead and it will be done personally in Osaka. From Okinawa (my place) to Osaka takes 2-3 hours by plane and it costs too much. My friends suggested me to apply for the extension, but I’m not sure if the embassy/consulate will give me a such.

    Please do me a favor, Ms. G-nang… I am really worried about this. I will also call Philippine Consulate in Osaka. Can you please ask some DFA staff in the Philippines about this?

    Is extension of passport valid only for travelling abroad? I’ve heard from my friends that travel document is valid for Japan-Philippines only. If that so, what shall I do? I am an OFW and I want to spend my vacation in the Philippines. I hope you can help me about this.

    Thank you very much in advance….


    • G-nang
      Oct 13, 2011 @ 12:06:47

      Hi Ms. Rose! I think it would be better if you would go personally at the Philippine Consulate in Naha and ask about your renewed passport. I have no idea if you could still apply for an extension after renewing your passport. And calling the Consular Office here in the Philippines won’t do any help for the line is always busy. But I’ll try to gather some information that might help your problem. Stay positive! 🙂


      • Rose
        Oct 28, 2011 @ 09:09:37

        Hello, Ms G-nang! I’m back once again. This is the latest update I got from the Philippine Consulate here in Okinawa. They called me up 2 weeks ago and informed me that I must go to their office tomorrow for the renewal of my passport. I’ll try to ask them about my case if I need to apply for the extension or push through the renewal. I’ll be back here in your blog soon to let you know and my fellow readers/followers of what did I go through after the processing. Hope some information from me can help other Filipinos especially from abroad. Thank you very much for your blog and your time for answering all of our queries.

      • Rose
        Oct 29, 2011 @ 09:00:50

        Hello, Ms. G-Nang! I’m back fresh from Philippine Consulate-Okinawa. The team of Philippine Embassy-Tokyo came here today for the processing of the passport renewals. I went there and I saw a lot of Filipinos lining up and waiting for their turns. When It was my turn, I told the staff that I won’t apply for renewal. I insisted to her, if possible, extension of validity would be fine and safe. No more questions from the staff, she gave me the application for extension and the affidavit to fill up. Then, I lined up for the final processing. When the other staff checked my passport and found out that it will be expired on December 11, 2011, he then checked my affidavit and told me, “Uuwi ka sa December, di aabutin yung passport mo. 2 months pa yun.” I just answered him, “Apply po ako ng extension of validity.” No other questions, the other staff checked again my application and passport and verify them, and voila! He told me to pay for it in the cashier. It cost me 4365 yen for the extension alone. They told me that the processing of the extension will take 1-2 weeks with 2-year validity.

        I did not have any documents with me when I submitted the application. They only accepted my application, affidavit and passport. No photocopies of documents, no pictures, no plane tickets.

        I’ll wait for my passport to arrive after 2 weeks.

      • Rose
        Nov 09, 2011 @ 15:32:13

        Hello, Ms. G-nang! Today, my green passport was arrived and before I opened the envelope, I made a sign of a cross praying that it was granted. I was so happy when I saw the stamp like yours stated “The validity of this passport is extended until November 02, 2013.”

        Thank you so much regarding information of extension of validity. Some Filipinos are not aware of this kind of renewal…

      • G-nang
        Nov 10, 2011 @ 03:54:46

        I am so happy for you Rose! :)) And I am so grateful for your effort to write back and share your story. Once again, thank you so much and best wishes.

  69. Ara
    Oct 12, 2011 @ 13:35:47

    hello po..
    ask ko lang kung pasok pa kami ng kapatid ko sa 6 months validity ng passport nmn kasi mag eexpire na un passport namin april 12, 2012, pero nakapag pabook na kami ng ticket papunta singapore next week Oct 18 alis namin and Nov. 2 balik nmn sa pinas visit lang namin father namin na nagwowork don… or kailangan po namin ipaextend na?


    • G-nang
      Oct 13, 2011 @ 12:17:07

      You may want to try going to the Director’s Office at the DFA and see if you would be given an extension of validity. Make sure to bring your passport & tickets (original & photocopy).


  70. Elev
    Oct 15, 2011 @ 08:00:38

    Nice article. Very informative indeed.

    To those who posted about the US immigration accepting their passport, may I know if you did push through with the extension and fly to the US?

    I am now in the same boat where I need to travel to US but I was not told I need 6 months of validty on my passport.

    Thanks in advance.



  71. john
    Oct 17, 2011 @ 19:37:47

    Hello po Ms. G-nang OFW po ako dito sa UAE,nahired po ako nang ibang companya dito at nakaperma narin ako nang working contract, pro nang eprocess na yung visa ko, napag-alaman po na mag expire na pla sa january ang passport ko at nahold po ang processing kasi hindi magissue ang UAE ng bagong visa kung below 6 mnths na ang validity, sabi nang employer ko na kailangan ako magrenew kaagad pra matuloy yung proseso,at salamat sa information na pwedi palang ipaextend lang pra mas madali. Noong september 7 pa po kasi naconceal ang visa ko sa dati kung company at penalty napo ako ngayon at binayaran ito ng bago kung employer simula noong october 8. Ang tanong ko po kung hindi ba nila questionin yung cocealed na tatak sa passport ko pra mabigyan ako ng extension? kailangan pa ba nang patunay na binabayaran ang penalty ko? at ano pa po ang kailangan documento pra maextend and passport ko sa lalong madali. salmat po, sna po mkatulong kayo sa akin.


    • G-nang
      Oct 19, 2011 @ 08:06:50

      Pasensya ka na ha, wala akong idea kung ano yung requirements kapag nag-apply ng extension sa ibang bansa. Dito kasi sa Pilipinas, round trip ticket lang patunay na urgent ang travel. Siguro mas makabubuti kung tatawag ka sa embassy natin diyan sa UAE para malaman kung ano yung kailangan mong dalahin kapag kumuha ka ng extension.


  72. iamsuperalex
    Nov 02, 2011 @ 17:44:39

    Hello Ms.G-nang! I just want to say that you’re an angel from above! I really had a tough day, after hearing from my agent that I can’t leave for Toronto this DECEMBER 15th because of my passport being expired on APRIL 24th next year. I wasn’t aware of that, since my parents reside in different countries, so do I. I just turned 18 a month ago, so I’m pretty new with this dilemma. I really need to go there; otherwise I have no place to stay for Christmas. 😦 Besides, our university only gives a two-week Christmas break…and they surely wouldn’t be giving us breaks if we came after JANUARY 2nd. :)) I was booked already, my application form for Canadian Tourist Visa was already done, I photocopied every single document and all that. I just hope tomorrow will agree with me. THANKS AGAIN, MS.G-NANG! >:D<


    • G-nang
      Nov 03, 2011 @ 06:41:01

      You’re welcome alex. :)) Don’t worry, you’ll be able to spend your Christmas in Toronto with your family and relatives. Wishing you all the best. 🙂


  73. rica
    Nov 09, 2011 @ 09:49:20

    Thanks G-nang for posting this and to you Arpee as well for sharing your experience in DFA Batangas. I already lost hope abt getting a SK visa, until I read this blog yesterday. We have a confirmed flight on Nov24-29 but our passports will expire in March. My hubby and I decided to go to DFA Batangas this morning. Processing was really quick and easy. We were there at about 7:15. By 10:30 AM, we’re already in Magallanes with our passport stamped. Tomorrow, we will go to SK embassy for visa application.


    • G-nang
      Nov 10, 2011 @ 03:52:27

      Thank you so much Rica for that information! :))) It will be a big help to others who will stumble upon this conversation. I really appreciate it. 😀 I am so happy for you and your hubby. Good luck with your visa application. Hope things will turn out well. Best wishes.


  74. Von Marcelino
    Nov 26, 2011 @ 07:04:20

    Hi Gud PM po. Ask ko lang ay paano ko mai-renew yung passport ng anak ko na nasa pinas kasi me and my wife are both working in singapore. Naka-dependent pass yung anak kaso mag-expire na rin and isa sa requirement ay new passport since mag-expire na yung passport nya sa aug2012. Pwede ko po ba i-apply ng extension yung passport ng anak ko kahit above 6 months pa sya kasi yun ang requirement for renewal ng Dependent pass ng anak ko. Need ko po yung advise nyo. Thanks.


    • G-nang
      Nov 29, 2011 @ 07:02:35

      If kailangan ng anak mo ng new passport, I think you should apply for a renewal na rather than getting an extension kasi halos valid pa naman ang passport niya. Binibigyan lang ng extension kapag ang passport ay less than 6 months ang validity.


  75. G-nang
    Nov 29, 2011 @ 06:57:18

    Uhm, I am not so sure if DFA ASEANA will give you an extension but to be sure, if you can head to DFA Batangas, please do so. Based from the testimonies of other readers here that went there, they were able to get an extension in a such a breeze. 🙂


    • Ice
      Dec 05, 2011 @ 08:00:34

      Hello. My passport will expire JUNE 27, 2012. If I travel abroad ng JANUARY 14, 2012 pasok pa rin ang passport ko sa rule na at least 6 months validity or 6 months before expiration date kaya lang.. my question is ang balik ko ng PINAS is JANUARY 29, 2012 which means my passport is less than 6 months na before it expires by the time na babalik ako ng PINAS, do you think the immigration will still allow me to leave the Philippines? THANKS


      • G-nang
        Dec 05, 2011 @ 09:09:18

        It would be better if you could get an appointment this month so that your passport would be renewed before your trip. In case that slots were already taken for December and January, the only thing that you could do is to get an extension before your trip. If you have the tickets already, you can apply for an extension at the DFA ASEANA. In case you don’t have tickets yet, go to DFA Batangas where getting an extension is just a breeze. Well, that’s what other readers have shared here. Good luck.

  76. Ice
    Dec 05, 2011 @ 08:08:06

    Or do I need to file for extension of passport na? Thanks


  77. nie
    Dec 10, 2011 @ 14:56:18

    nandito po kasi kami sa singapore. now we need to go back to the phils before 18th of Dec kasi mageexpire na visit pass namin,, now my husband’s expiration is on the 6th of July 2012, hindi na po sha makapagbook ng ticket pabalik sa pilipinas dahil nirereject ng automated sysstem ng online ticketing sites, panu po pwede gawin?


    • G-nang
      Dec 17, 2011 @ 05:53:54

      Hi Ms. Nie. Since July 2012 pa naman yung expiration ng passport niya, it is still valid kasi more than 6 months pa bago iyon mag-expire. Baka ang may problema is yung ticketing sites. Have you checked na ba? Maybe you could try booking personally na lang and ask the travel agents bakit narereject yung booking ng husband mo.


  78. ana
    Dec 12, 2011 @ 02:59:38

    hello po G-nang dito po ako nakatira sa korea ngayon for more than 4 years..khit isang beses hindi pa ako nakapagbakasyon ng pilipinas dahil mahirap din ang buhay ko dito hindi afford ng aswa q ticket namin tatlo, pero may nag sponsor po ng ticket namin tatlo round trip po sa dec. 24 to jan.1. kaya po sobrang saya ko dahil makikita ko ulit mga relatives ko sa pilipinas.. Kaya lang po yung passport ko valid until may 2012, hindi ko po alam yung rules na 6 months validity ng passport na requirements. Ngyon po natatakot po ako na baka pagdating namin sa pilipinas at uuwi na kami eh ma hold po ako..kaya nag hanap ako ng ganitong blog na makakatulong sa case ko. Naisip ko po ipa-extend yung passport ko, pag dito po namin ipa extend matagal po ang process kaya naisip ko pagdating nalang sa pilipinas, kaya lang ano po ba pwedeng affidavit ang pwede kong kunin dito dhil hindi naman po ako nagttrabho dito, ang pwede ko lang po na ipakita is yung ticket namin tatlo.Sana po matulungan ninyo ako sa problema ko.Thnks.


    • G-nang
      Dec 17, 2011 @ 06:01:05

      Naku Ms. Ana, hindi lang dito sa Pilipinas umiiral yung no travel kapag less than 6 months ang validity ng passport. In your case, less than 6 months na siya kaya I am sure hindi ka rin papayagan ng mga Immigration Officers sa airport na makaalis ng Korea. Mas makabubuti kung asikasuhin mo na agad ang pagkuha ng extension sa embassy natin diyan sa Korea. Dalhin mo lang yung roundtrip tickets mo to show na urget ang travel mo. In case na hindi magwork, better siguro if you would rebook na lang trip.


  79. georgelee
    Dec 26, 2011 @ 23:28:36

    I got rejected today at the guard inside… 😦 he said that my airline ticket was 1 month (January 27) away and I should file an appointment… they only process if it is around 1 week before your flight (he actually mentioned 2 days)… I will try to go back on January or go to Batangas…


    • G-nang
      Jan 09, 2012 @ 10:31:55

      Oh, so sorry to know that. But I think, if you were able to tell him that there were no more slot for January, maybe he allowed you to process your extension application. Well, hope you would able to get an extension as soon as possible. I wish you all the best. 🙂


    • Jibu
      Jan 12, 2012 @ 08:20:55

      Just curious if were able to get an extension or you had your passport renewed??
      Do you need to show any ID or birth certificate?


      • G-nang
        Jan 17, 2012 @ 04:28:37

        When you apply for an extension, the validity of your passport would be extended for two years. Yup, you have to bring a valid ID. 🙂

  80. kate
    Jan 11, 2012 @ 14:50:41

    Hi! I read that you paid P200 to use your hubby’s surname. So when you filled out the renewal form, you used your single name pa (also indicated on your expiring passport)? I’ll be renewing my passport also. It has my single name on it and I want to use my married name…Could you please shed some light on this particular matter? What and how to do?



    • G-nang
      Jan 17, 2012 @ 04:16:53

      Hi Kate. If you want to use your married name, all you have to do is bring your original copy of NSO authenticated marriage certificate tehn fill out the form with your married name na. You’ll be paying additional P200 for that aside from the renewal fee of your passport. For other details, please read my other post here and look for AMENDMENT OF PASSPORT.


  81. Perlita Paulines Baghucan
    Jan 23, 2012 @ 15:21:32

    My passport will expire by march 2012 but I want to go back to Philippines by july,I want to extend for a few months staying here,I want to extend 1 year only bcoz I want to change my status,,do u have any requirments that I need to submit?thanks,,,


    • G-nang
      Jan 31, 2012 @ 23:45:00

      Regarding the extension, it’s not you who will decide. But as you apply for an extension, you can also apply for amendment. That’s using your married name instead of your maiden name. That’s what I did way back. Please re-read my post. Don’t forget to bring your marriage certificate authenticated by NSO.


  82. myangzkimyra
    Jan 27, 2012 @ 11:04:13

    Hi! my husband’s an immigrant in US and he is set to travel here in Phils. on the 2nd week of April 2012 but his Phil. passport will expire on June 2012. We were informed that it will take him 12 weeks to get his new passport. Would this request for extension thingy / Amendment is also applicable in the Phil. Consulate in US? if yes what are the requirements and how long would it take for said application?hope you could help me out. God bless.


  83. Deyon Maye Fernandez (@yon_di)
    Feb 01, 2012 @ 03:32:11

    hi… is an extension necessary for a Macau trip that will not last a week? mine’s gonna expire on May of this year, and my trip will be on Feb13 already…but no tickets at the moment… TIA for your answer… 🙂


  84. Achielle
    Feb 03, 2012 @ 08:43:38

    will be travelling to Malaysia for a business trip on Tuesday hope i will get an extension too coz my passport will expire on July 9. thank you for this email, gives me hope!


  85. kiel
    Feb 09, 2012 @ 13:21:42

    Hi. my dad is a seaman. He’ll be arriving on april 20 (tentative). We want to travel outside the country right after he arrives but the problem is his passport will expire on the following month which is May 28th. would it still be possible im gonna do this as well? Thanks! 🙂


    • G-nang
      Feb 23, 2012 @ 05:51:54

      Hi Kiel. I am so sorry but I don’t know what’s excatly your query is about. Anyway, if you were asking if your dad and you can apply for an extension of passport, yes.. you may. Make sure you bring your roundtrip tickets (photocopy & original) with you. And you will only be given an extension if your passports have less than 6 months validity like your dad’s case.


  86. Rosalie Tapaya Rose
    Feb 11, 2012 @ 12:36:13

    Hello Ms G-nang,im a permanent resident here in australia but i live in central queensland which is long way for everything,and im going to visit sick sister and family in philippines on may 3 but my passport is expired in june 7,2012.if i extend my passport,do i need to file and appointment or can i just download the form and sent it to them?please help me because i only know that if you have less than 6month validity if passport you are not allowed to travel,thanks and god bless


    • G-nang
      Feb 23, 2012 @ 06:08:51

      Yes, that’s true. Your passport is not valid for travels outside the country you’re in. I am not sure if the Philippine Embassy in Australia offers extension of passport. But it would be better if you would call them as soon as possible and ask about it so that you can have your passport’s validity extended.


  87. bobbie
    Feb 15, 2012 @ 10:23:25

    Hi! this is nice site, I would like to ask if the passport will expire 6-months and 16 days,is this still ok to return to my destination(Vacation only). thank you


    • G-nang
      Feb 23, 2012 @ 05:53:21

      Yes, your passport is still valid. If it’s less tha n 6 months, you won’t be able to get out of the country not get in to another country.


  88. mokel
    Mar 03, 2012 @ 16:14:11

    hello, im currently working here at singapore, unfortunately i needed to go back to the philippines due to some unforeseen problem with my family. My problem started when I saw that it will take 8weeks for a passport to get renewed. I wanted to ask you kindly if its still ok to just go to the phil embassy for renewal even if i dont have an appointment set with them? hope you could reply 🙂


    • G-nang
      Mar 23, 2012 @ 11:06:31

      If the Philippine Embassy in Singapore gives validity extension, try to apply as soon as you can. No need for appointment. Just bring your tickets (if you already purchased it) and your passport as well. But if you would have your passport renewed, you’d not be entertained if you don’t have an appointment with them. So try to go online and check the available dates where you can have your passport renewed.


  89. Vinezm
    Mar 12, 2012 @ 06:43:01

    Hi !

    The expiration of my passport is October 2012, but i will be leaving from the Phils this April 2012. To count, 6 months already from the date of my departure. Will i still be permitted to go out the country? or am i qualify to apply for EXTENSION of validity of my passport? or i should renew my passport na lang? I want to extend my validity because i just anticipate the fact that i might not receive the passport after 10 workings days…due to any circumstances or delay of release. PLEASE ADVICE ME…soonest kong sino po naka-experience na nito. Thank you


    • G-nang
      Mar 23, 2012 @ 11:12:35

      If you really need a new passport, apply for an expedite processing but I am pretty sure that March and April are already fully booked. Try to get an extension. Bring your tickets with you as well as your passport. You don’t have to get an appointment for this. In case you don’t have a ticket yet, apply for an extension at DFA Batangas. Based on my experience and experiences shared by other readers here, you won’t be entertained at the Director’s Office if you have no tickets with you or proof that your travel is urgent.


  90. asia
    Mar 16, 2012 @ 06:38:50

    hello po… need ko din po mag paextend ng passport nareciv ko napo ung visa ko xerox copy pro ang passport ko ay mageexpired na sa september 07, 2012 my agency told me nga na magpaextend nako now na.. dahil mahirap DAW magparenew ng passport pag nasa abu dhabi nako… ok lang po ba na ang ipresent kopo sa DFA ay ang photocopy ng visa ko at passport lang wala pa kc akong ticket at contract na binigay ng agency ko… salamat po


    • G-nang
      Mar 23, 2012 @ 11:22:11

      Pwede naman siguro kahit na photocopy lang. I-explain mo na lang nang mabuti sa mag-i-interview sa’yo ang dahilan kung bakit hindi mo dala ang original. At saka kung pinayuhan ka naman ng agency mo na kumuha ng extension, sa palagay ko ay makakakuha ka naman. 🙂


  91. ices
    Mar 28, 2012 @ 13:47:53

    Good day po! My passport will going to expire this coming June 2012. Pwede po ba ako humingi ng extension? Kasi pagiririnew ko pa po sya aabutin po ng 2 months. Hindi po kasi allowed lumabas ang babae dito sa Saudi ng basta basta. E need ko na po yong passport agad kasi nagaaply po ako Canada, requirement (6 months bago mgexpired dapat nasa Canada na ako) kaso June na po expiration.
    Makakakuha po kaya ako ng Extension?


    • G-nang
      Apr 12, 2012 @ 10:17:04

      Ices, I am not sure kung may extension diyan sa Saudi. Better call the Philippine Embassy asap. Kasi walang nakapost sa DFA dito sa Pinas kung may ganyang application din sa ibang bansa.


  92. ices
    Apr 06, 2012 @ 09:23:09

    Good day! Ask ko lang po sana about extending the validity of passport. My passport will soon expired this coming june 2012. Iri-renew ko po sana pero it takes time bago makuha passport dito sa saudi. Need ko na po kasi passport ko kasi po I’m applying a work permit in Canada. Makakakuha po kaya ako ng extension? Thanks po…


    • G-nang
      Apr 12, 2012 @ 10:43:46

      I have no idea kung sa ino-offer sa Saudi ang extension of validity of passport. What I only tried is dito sa Pilipinas. Maybe you could call the Philippine Embassy in Saudi for more details.


  93. guia
    Apr 07, 2012 @ 12:31:18

    Hi G-nang ask ko lang poung stamp for validity for 2 years kaylangan pa ba ipakita ang OR sa immigration? or just a taktak lang bilang patunay?


  94. mae
    Jun 17, 2012 @ 03:03:13

    hi G-nang, naka extension ang passport ko for 2 years..bali until 2014 ung validity ng passport ko… pero ma eexpired ang passport ko sa july 28 2012… kelangan ko ba ciang irenew agad b4 the expiration date kahit naka extend?.. or pwede ba na wag muna irenew kc naka extend naman.. i really need your ans.. thanks more power,,,


    • G-nang
      Aug 06, 2012 @ 03:35:40

      Kung naka-indicate sa passport mo yung katulad ng naka-indicate sa passport ko, (please see pic at the bottom part of the post), at nakalagay na 2014 pa ang validity ng passport mo, STILL VALID pa ang passport mo although nakalagay pa rin dun yung expiration date. Hindi naman matatanggal yun as long as hindi ka pa nakapag-renew eh.


  95. marie
    Jun 25, 2012 @ 12:52:42

    hello… the roundtrip ticket to philippines from japan…my daughters passport will expire in 4 mos. can she be allowed to travel? i have applied for a new passport in Osaka but cant gurantee early release of the document…they lend me the passport since they said that di pa naman expired daw just try and bring the receipt of the new passport…should I worry for the travel of my daughter who is 4 years old


    • G-nang
      Aug 06, 2012 @ 03:25:07

      Her passport has not been expired yet but no one is allowed to leave the country with a passport of less than 6 months validity. You may have the receipt but I think it’s no use since you need to present a renewed passport.


  96. stv
    Jul 14, 2012 @ 18:08:14

    Hi G-nang ask ko lng po kng pwd ba issue nla ako oec below 6 months validity passport ko? my ticket na ako uwi ako pinas august 23 and balik ako abu dhabi september 28, 2012..
    expiry ng passport ko feb 7, 2013

    please advice kng anu maganda gawin ko.. tnks po


    • G-nang
      Aug 06, 2012 @ 03:07:17

      Pag-uwi mo dito sa Pilipinas, mag-renew ka na agad ng passport kasi kung hindi, malabo kang makabalik ng Abu Dhabi sa September 28, 2012 kahit na may tiket ka na. Hindi ka papayagan ng mga Immigration Officers.


  97. Jennie Jinky
    Jul 16, 2012 @ 14:29:08

    Hi G-nang,

    My name is Jennie. I’d like to seek for your help. Firstly, I am not from Luzon, I am from Mindanao and thee DFA Regional Consular Office closest to me is Zamboanga City. Now I wanna know, who can grant extensions? It is just the Director in the Head Office in Manila?

    Secondly, my problem is, I applied for a US Fiance Visa Interview that will be in the first week of October. My passport expires on April 18, 2013 which actually leaves my passport 6 months (from October to April) valid before my entry to the US. Now, I know that renewal changes my passport number and the hassle is, my passport number has been attached to a lot of important forms for my interview. Renewing my passport will make redo all the paperworks. Also, my passport number is my receipt number and is already in the US Embassy system. Renewing my passport is not an option. I wanna know, what are my chances of being able to get an extension? Where should I get it? Can i get an extension from a regional consular office? Please help me.


    • G-nang
      Aug 06, 2012 @ 03:05:36

      Hi there. Where did you learn that upon renewal of passport, it would change your passport number? Your passport number will be your forever passport number… so it would be better if you would renew your passport as soon as possible. In that case, you would not have any problems that might hinder your plans of going to the USA.


  98. Racquel Capio
    Aug 03, 2012 @ 05:29:12

    hi ask ko lang po, kumuha kasi ako ng passport last April schedule pf pick up was may 15 but unfortunately narelocate kami ng tirahan hir sa province , so til now hindi ko pa napipick up ung passport ko. Queztion ko po is makukuha ko pa po kaya yun kasi next week I plan to pick it up na sana kaya lang iniisip ko baka hindi na pede kasi almost 2 months na po ang lumipas…


    • G-nang
      Aug 06, 2012 @ 03:01:21

      Walang problema kahit 2 months na ang lumipas. Andun pa rin sa DFA ang passport mo, as long as you have the claim stub with you, makukuha at makukuha mo pa rin yung passport mo. 🙂


  99. Ann
    Aug 12, 2012 @ 19:56:57

    Omg! I have the same prob! Pero yung sakin nag Expired po nung March 13 hindi ko po napinsan na expired na until nung magpapabook kami ng ticket dahil ikakasal ang ate ko this Sept. Pwede ko pa po ba ipa extend? 😥 Kahit 2months lang huhuhu


    • G-nang
      Aug 13, 2012 @ 05:34:21

      Ang extension is 1-2 years depende sa magde-decide. Yes, pwede kang mag-apply ng extension basta dalahin mo lang yung return tickets mo at expired passport. Kindly read the post to know exactly what to do when you get there.


  100. Ann
    Aug 13, 2012 @ 06:06:54

    Sorry, ang binasa ko lang kasi yung halos 2012 na, and ang sakanila is mageexpired palang so pwede pa i-extend pero yung sakin expired na 😦 Sa italy ako now diko alam kung powede pa. Nung nalaman namin na expired na passport ko hindi muna kami nagpabook, gusto muna namin makasigurado.. Ittry ko naun kung pwede pa iextend. Thankyou!


    • Ann
      Aug 13, 2012 @ 17:44:19

      Went to Philippine Embassy this morning and applied for the extension of my passport and they gave me 1 year 🙂 I’m so happy! I also renewed my passport at the same time..


  101. Sunnysan
    Aug 17, 2012 @ 01:17:33

    I went to Dfa this morning to try to get my passport’s validity extended. They refused talaga kahit anong pakiusap. As of March 2012 daw, extensions are no longer allowed except for medical reasons, death or employment. Super sad lang ako kasi i just found out about the 6 month rule yesterday and we’re supposed to go to Bangkok on august 26 and my passport expires on january 2013. Kakasad kasi everything has already been paid for. Pati yun hotel, we already prepaid for it. Don’t know parang wala na ibang option but to cancel our trip. 😦


  102. Ford
    Sep 19, 2012 @ 07:03:01

    Hi po Ms G-nang! Ma’am I’d like to ask po kung may alam kayong changes regarding the application for extension ng passport validity? My wife and I went to DFA Aseana this morning at ang sabi sa wife ko di na daw sila pumapayag pag tour lang daw ang reason ng pag alis.


    • G-nang
      Oct 30, 2012 @ 04:27:39

      Hi. We had our extension last year…. and I have no idea kung ganun pa rin ba ngayon or hindi na. If sinabi naman sa inyo na hindi na pwede, I guess credible naman ang sinabi nila kasi they are working at DFA while I am not. Hope this helps. Thanks!


  103. mike garcia
    Sep 22, 2012 @ 09:39:06

    march 2013 po pala expiry ng passport ko…. thanks po sa advice…. godbless!!!


  104. jenny
    Feb 10, 2014 @ 12:46:26

    Thank you such a big help…


  105. nicole
    Mar 10, 2014 @ 14:49:33

    Hi Ms. G-nang, Do you think this extension is still valid today? 2014? we’re also going to SG like you this March 18. Please advise. thanks!


    • G-nang
      Apr 30, 2014 @ 01:07:15

      Hi Nicole. I am thinking if natuloy kayo or what. Sana naman oo. I have no idea if nagbibigay pa rin sila ng extension sa case na katulad ng sa amin.


  106. Amsky
    Apr 08, 2014 @ 17:01:27

    My passport issued October 2011 and it will expire on October 2016.Do I need to renew that passport or do I need to renew it?


    • G-nang
      Apr 30, 2014 @ 00:57:40

      Thanks for reading my blog. Of course you have to renew your passport a few months before it expires. But if you have no plans of going out of the country, you may hold the renewal and do it someone.


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