The Taste of Dulcinea’s Merengue

Meringue, a small pastry shell or cake made of stiffly beaten, baked egg whites and sugar, often containing fruit or nutmeats, was one of my favorite snacks when I was a child. I had known meringue as merengge for years. Hahah! I grew up pronouncing it the wrong way, I can’t even remember who taught me the correct pronunciation. Instead of saying merengge, it should be pronounced as mirang (mÉ™-răng’). But can you imagine buying a mirang in the sari-sari store? Do you think the “tindera” would understand that what you are buying is a merengge? Hehehehe… Actually, I have tried but I failed. I ended up saying “merengge po”. Who’s to blame now? Our teachers who taught the wrong pronunciation or the vendors who introduced the wrong word? Awwww….

Well, it’s been for years now that I haven’t even tasted meringue. As far as I can remember, the last time was when my sister’s former boyfriend went home from the province (forgot where exactly) with plenty of meringue. They were all so delicious that I ate too much. I can’t forget how crispy and tasty they were… not too sweet of course. I think I have eaten five small packs of those. 🙂

I never thought that Dulcinea also has this kind of pastry on their list until Doctor Jen of Ospital ng Makati, my client, surprised me with a simple treat she taught I deserved. Upon giving her the missalettes and puzzles she ordered, she handed me a jar of Dulcinea’s meringue. Oh, how sweet of her.. I hope all my clients are like her. Hihihih… And I was even more touched after reading the short message she had written on it. Ohhhh.. She’s soooo nice right?! You have to agree with me or else…. just kidding. 😉

What can I say about the taste? It is different from the meringue we have known and tasted in the streets. It is too sweet… as if I were eating sugar. 😦 It is not that crunchy and chewy… To tell you honestly, I have eaten 2 pieces only and not even wanting for more. The taste is bland for me… I was expecting too much but disappointment came in after tasting it. Oh well…. as the saying goes, there is nothing more even better than the foods being sold outside. Did you experience the ice scramble fad lately? The taste is also different from the ice scramble being sold in the street…. 😉